جمعية رحماء الصحية

معلومات عن جمعية رحماء الصحية مثيل لأودو، تخطيط موارد المؤسسات مفتوح المصدر.

التطبيقات المثبتة

Health Services Dashboard
من عروض الأسعار للفواتير
الفواتير والمدفوعات
Account Payment State
Manage state of accounting
Real Estate
الموقع الإلكتروني
أداة بناء المواقع الإلكترونية للمؤسسات
إدارة أنشطة مخزونك والأنشطة اللوجسيتية
أوامر الشراء، والمناقصات، والاتفاقيات
كشوف المرتبات
قم بإدارة سجلات كشوف مرتبات موظفيك
نظّم وخطّط لمشاريعك
قم بإرسال وتصديق وإعادة فوترة نفقات الموظفين
قم بتخصيص أيام الإجازة المدفوعة ومتابعة طلبات الإجازات
تتبع مخطط سير عمل التوظيف
مركزة معلومات الموظف
Account Cancellation Opportunity
# Account Cancellation Opportunity This module allows to manage: Account Cancellation Opportunity. ## Overview This module create account of cancellation opportunity request ## usage To create account of cancellation opportunity request go to Finance Resource --> Opportunity Donate menu --> Opportunity Donate Cancel.
Account Covenant Extend
Account Covenant Request
Account Financial Reports
OCA Financial Reports
Account Installments Opportunity
# Account Installments Opportunity This module allows to manage: Account installments Opportunity. ## Overview This module create account of installments opportunity request ## usage To create account of installments opportunity request go to Finance Resource --> Opportunity Donate Installments.
Odoo 17 Partner Ledger Report
Odoo 17 Accounting partner ledger report
Account Patient Accounts
Account Payment Button
Account Payment Print Checks
Account Request Approvals Managment
Bank Account Setting
Consultation Request
This module allows to manage Consultation Request and thair treatments
Custom Request
# Custom Request This module allows you to add modifications to request and request stages. ## Configuration this module doesn't need a specific configuration
Custom Rohamaa
Custom Rohamaa Using TO Add Custom Setting for rohamaa requirement
Finance Resource
# Finance Resource This module allows to: . create a supporter . create a direction type . create a supporter classified ## Configuration You don't need a specific configuration. ## Bug Tracker Bugs are tracked on [Gitlab Issues](https://gitlab.com/masa-sa/odoo/cms/issues) In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smash it by providing detailed and welcomed feedback.
Financial analysis
Financial Receipts
health services
# health services This module allows to manage health services by: Create beneficiary and mange his attachments. ## Overview To create new beneficiary go to health services --> Beneficiaries --> To create new beneficiary attachments or manage go to health services --> Configuration --> Beneficiary Attachments
Hide Menus
Link Security Groups With Menus To Hide Them
HR Base
HR Delegacy
Department Supervisor
Delegacy and deputation Management
Deputation Project Management
HR Distance work
Hr Employee Companions
HR Job Name
Objection Request Management
HR Obligation
Overtime Project Management
Hr Payroll Base
Hr Payroll Loan
Payroll request
Hr Payroll Request Account
Hr Payroll salary Grid
Hr Payroll Settlement
HR Profile
HR Profile Payroll
Hr salary Grid
Mail activity Archive
تتبع المعدات وإدارة طلبات الصيانة
Medical Service Request
# medical_service_request This module allows to manage medical service request: This module allows to manage medical service request stage. ## Overview To create new beneficiary go to main Medical Service Request --> Medical Service Request --> To manage Medical Service Request Stage go to main Medical Service Request --> Medical Service Request Stage
Attachment Preview
This module adds a new widget, "many2many_attachment_preview", which enables the user to view attachments without downloading them.
Opportunity Donate
# Opportunity Donate This module allows managing requests for donation opportunities and their stages. ## Configuration this module doesn't need a specific configuration ## Usage This module allow to: - Add opportunity donate stages. - Manage generic accept and refuse of opportunity donate requests
Opportunity Donate Account
# Opportunity Donate Account This module allows managing donation opportunities accounts. ## Configuration this module doesn't need a specific configuration ## Usage This module allow to: Add opportunity donate accounts.
Opportunity Donate Cancel
# Opportunity Donate Cancel This module allows to manage: Cancel Opertunity Donate. ## Overview This module create new opportunity donate cancel request to cancel opportunity donate request ## usage To create new opportunity donate cancel request go to Finance Resource --> Opportunity Donate menu --> Opportunity Donate Cancel.
Opportunity Donation Installments
# Opportunity Donation Installments This module allows creating opportunity donation installments for deferred opportunity donation
Patient Accounts
# Financial Appropriation This module allows managing requests for financial appropriation and their stages. ## Configuration this module doesn't need a specific configuration. ## Usage This module allow to: - manage financial appropriation stages. - Manage generic accept and refuse of financial appropriation requests. - Manage approvals users by financial appropriation stages.
Patient Accounts Marketing
Project Fund
# Project Fund Payment This module allow Saves money that is create from donations
Purchase Request
Use this module to have notification of requirements of materials and/or external services and keep track of such requirements.
Refund Contribution
# Refund Contribution This module allows managing requests for refund contribution and their stages. ## Configuration this module doesn't need a specific configuration. ## Usage This module allow to: manage refund contribution stages. Manage generic accept and refuse of refund contribution requests.
Refund Contribution Account
Request Managment
Request Approvals Managment
Service Provider
# service providers This module allows to manage service providers and partnership types. ## Overview To create new service provider go to health services --> Service Provider --> To create new partnership types go to health services --> Configuration -->
Service Provider Portal
Service Provider Portal
Document Management
View Document Module, Filter Document,Document Management,Manage Doc Group By Document, Get Document Details, Document Manage, Manage Directory Document Odoo
Supporter Agreements
# Account Payment Setting This module allows adding agreements for supporters. ## Configuration this module doesn't need a specific configuration
Supporter agreement donate
# Supporter Agreement Donate This module link between supporter agreement and opportunity donate and opportunity donate cancel ## Overview This module inhrit from opportunity donate and opportunity donate cancel , this add field supporter_agreement_id relation from supporter agreement in opportunity donate cancel and opportunity donate.
Transfer of exchange funds
Transfering Financial
# Transfering Financial This module allow Transfer money from project fund to another
Website Base
Website Base
Website Health Services
Website Health Services
Website Medical Service Request
Website Medical Service Request
الدردشة، بوابة البريد الإلكتروني، والقنوات الخاصة
جهات الاتصال
قم بمركزة دفتر عناوينك
جدوِل اجتماعات الموظفين
قم بإدارة أسطولك وتتبع تكاليف السيارات
متابعة حضور موظف
قائمة المهام
نظم عملك من خلال المذكرات وقوائم المهام
إدارة المهارات
إدارة المهارات، والمعرفة، والسير الذاتية لموظفيك
وظائف على الإنترنت
إدارة عملية التوظيف عبر الإنترنت
عقود الموظفين